May is American Wetlands Month! No matter where you live,
chances are there’s a wetland nearby that provides important environmental
benefits to your community. Wetlands support diverse fish and wildlife species,
filter pollutants from rain water runoff, help recharge groundwater supplies,
prevent flooding and enhance property values.
Despite their many benefits, the United States loses about
60,000 acres of wetlands each year. Compared to other coastal states, Florida,
Texas, California and Louisiana have lost the most coastal marshland –
California alone has lost more than 91 percent of its coastal wetlands. The
Chesapeake Bay has lost 50 percent of its coastal marshes. Since the arrival of
settlers, 70 percent of tidally influenced wetlands in Puget Sound have been
lost. And, only about 40 to 50 percent of the prairie region’s original prairie
pothole wetlands remain undrained today.
How can you help?
· -Keep lawns and driveways free of pet waste,
fertilizers and motor oil. These pollutants can wash into storm drains and
eventually reach a wetland.
-Choose native species when planting trees, shrubs and
flowers to preserve the ecological balance of local wetlands.
-Use non-toxic products for household cleaning and lawn and
garden care. Never spray lawn and garden chemicals outside on a windy day or on
a day when it might rain and wash the chemicals into local
-Many exotic animals are introduced into wetlands by
homeowners and hobbyists, where they can harm native wildlife. If you have a
home aquarium with exotic saltwater or freshwater fish or raise non-native
amphibians or reptiles, do not release them into the wild.
-Volunteer to help monitor or restore wetlands near you.
Get in touch with local environmental organizations, your state agency or
community groups to see how you can participate in programs that protect